Friday, January 24, 2020

Capitalism Essay -- essays research papers

Capitalism Today in the United States, a free market system or capitalism is the main economic system. I am interested in this subject because I someday wish to own my own business. I believe that in the future this topic will be very useful to me. Among the topics that I will discuss are the greeks and romans early practices of capitalism, the ideas of Joseph Schumpeter, Rush Limbaugh, and Karl Marx, corporations, regulation by the government, and Reaganomics. I will also discuss the relationship between inflation and unemployment. In addition, I will give my own perspective on the economic theories that I'm presenting. These are just a few of the things that I will be discussing in this paper. HISTORY OF CAPITALISM Many of the institutions of capitalism can be traced back to Greek and Roman times. Things such as trade, moneylending, and insurance were well known practices to them. Unfortunatly, growth of the Roman Empire prevented further development of a private business class. As power over economic growth came back to the people or lords during the Middle Ages, modern capitalism started to evolve. (The Software Toolworks Illistrated Encyclopedia) In the late Middle Ages, the medieval economy was based on MANORALISM. This system said that peasants worked on the land that the lord's owned, but everthing that was produced by them was kept in return they had to perform services or pay dues to there lord. During this time period, there was no incentive to produce large and productive resources. The end of the midieval Manoralism was brought about by a larger demand for goods. Kings competed against lords, and lords competed with peasants for the rights to what was produced. As a result, there was an emergence of merchants and businessmen who accumulated large sums of capital. In addition, there was also a large emergence of banks and the start of corporations. (Galbraith Pg. 58) The only other economic system that got much attention was a new idea called Communism. A person named Karl Marx wrote a book called the Communist Manifesto which thought of the state as being the main controller of economic growth, unlike capitalism where the people in a free market are the main controllers of economic growth. In the 19th century when most of the world like Britan, France, Germany, and the United States were in the age of ... ... get elected to be president is because he plays the game of class warfare. Clinton did a good job of convincing the poor and the middle class that Reagan did them wrong. Clinton believes that the rich should be punished by higher taxes. I ask you, "why should you punish prosperity?" The main goal of the liberals and Bill Clinton is the reditribution of wealth. The key question to ponder is, " when do profits become unfair and excessive?" (Limbaugh Pg. 118-119) In conclusion, capitalism is the best thing to help the United States economy grow. The entrepreneur is the person who makes this economy rum smoothly and profitably. A creative person at the head of a company can do alot more than a person who is at the head of a state-runned bureaucracy. This is true because the entrepreneur has incentive to do the job correctly, but the bureacrat has none because he knows that his job will still be there tomorrow no matter how he performs. I will agree that pure capitalism won't work because you still need environmental laws and other laws to protect the consumer. However, problems begin when extreme socialistic views like Bill Clinton's are imposed.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Native American Music Essay

Native American music has many different musical styles. Within every Native American tribe there is a variety of musical styles and instruments. In response to the research that I have conducted, there are three main musical styles that are going to be my point of focus. The Sioux Grass Dance, the Zuni Lullaby, and the Iroquois Quiver Dance are the principal methods which contribute to Native American music. The Sioux Grass Dance is considered to be the most popular style of Native American Music. As one dances to this music, they follow a pattern known as â€Å"toe-heel. † This consists of the individual placing the left foot in front of the right and repeating with the other foot. Each male dancer makes many personal variations of this dance resulting in a solo display. The costume is an elaborate style that correlates with the vocal approach of music. Bells are tied around the legs of the dancers for an added effect. The Zuni Lullaby illustrates a contrast with Plains singing to assist in confirming that there is not an individual style to Native American music. Through the Native American styles of music, repetition becomes a prominent feature. This is not because the Native Americans can’t find words to fit into the music, but because repetitions with slight variations are often too insignificannot for outside listeners to notice. In the Iroquois Quiver Dance the first thing to strike the ear is what is often known as a â€Å"call and response† form. One singer announces a phrase of â€Å"lexical text,† known as the call, the other singer answers him in a vocal pattern. This continues throughout the song. In illustrating many of the musical styles among Native American music, this has another name known as the â€Å"Warrior’s Stomp Dance. † The voices in the Iroquois Quiver Dance are relatively relaxed compared with that of the Plains singing. Instruments used to portray these various styles of music were often drums of all shapes and sizes, rattles, and often tambourines or bells with other percussion instruments. The drums were constructed by using such materials as clay, iron, wood or aluminum with heads of buckskin, chamois, or rubber. These drums were typically played with a single drumstick, holding a steady pattern of four beats. Also, in addition to these instruments there were wind instruments. The most common was the vertical flute, whistle, and occasionally panpipes. The flute was most often used to express a love song and never for religious ceremonies. Looking at Native American music, one can conclude that there are three main types of music: The Sioux Grass Dance, Iroquois Quiver Dance, and the Zuni Lullaby. Drums and wind instruments are used in portraying the music. The Native Americans dressed accordingly to the music that they dance to. All of these features add to what we have become acquainted with, Native American music.